This blog is committed to building community by empowering struggling students through the provision of educational information and tutoring. This blog will post educational articles and videos of interest in an attempt to keep visitors interested and informed.

My long term goal is to organize a network of interested citizens to collaborate and provide research which we can disseminate on this blog.

Recruit qualified volunteers who will connect with students to assist them with homework, and provide tutoring through this program.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

2011 Graduation Ceremony

I volunteered for the graduation team at my high school this year, and participated in the ceremony. It was simply awesome. I guess you can say that it is always awesome to me. This year the students gave such eloquent speeches. I have never heard speeches such as those bestowed upon the audience by student leaders at the graduation. The following morning, I found myself reflecting on the tone of all their speeches, and was still amazed over the depth of their various messages - seemed beyond their years. I felt that their thoughts showed an intuitive awareness of present times, and their poignantly suggested solutions to fellow students could be profoundly appreciated by everyone in the audience. Their eloquence illustrated the effect of four years of mentoring, love and support they received while attending this school; so everyone who touched their lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas should be very proud of themselves as well. Very touching indeed. Kudos to the teachers, mentors and administration for your part in shaping the lives of these young people. I was very honored to be a part of such a great experience.

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