This blog is committed to building community by empowering struggling students through the provision of educational information and tutoring. This blog will post educational articles and videos of interest in an attempt to keep visitors interested and informed.

My long term goal is to organize a network of interested citizens to collaborate and provide research which we can disseminate on this blog.

Recruit qualified volunteers who will connect with students to assist them with homework, and provide tutoring through this program.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rites of Passage Girls Summer Camp 2011

Kaya Retreats, Inc. would like to take this opportunity to thank all our stakeholders and members of the community who have reached out to help us get summer camp going this year.  We are encouraged by all of you that make this endeavor so effortless.  

This year's summer camp is being held at Quiet Waters Park in the campgrounds.  The tents are all very sturdy and spacious with running water and electricity. Your donations, volunteer efforts, suggestions, and well wishes have truly inspire us and has made a difference in the planning.  

This week we  continue to work towards  the launching of the summer camp program right here in Broward County.  The annual Summer Girls Rites of Passage Camp will be from July 30, 2011 through August 5, 2011 -  a full week of transformational workshops, building leadership skills, making new friends, mentoring, yoga lessons and fun with peers.  The staff of attendants and camp counselors  enable us to have one adult to every five girls participating. Thanks to all the volunteers who have signed up to be camp counselors. We have confirmed with our yoga specialist, who will lead the girls through daily lessons for exercise and relaxation.  Thanks also to Women In Distress volunteers for confirming the date-violence workshop. 

We are still recruiting  participants and reaching out to the community to pass on the information.  Please click in menu for contact information.

We continue our fundraising raffle of a 60" Plasma flat screen TV.  Raffle will be drawn on the last day of summer camp, August 6, 2011. Please contact us for tickets.   Park Lane Jewelry fundraiser started off with a buzz. T-shirt and cap along with other camp accessories can be purchased in our product store, which is yet another source of fundraising for camp. All participants will be expected to participate in fundraising events.

Once again, we want to tell you how grateful we are for your donations and volunteer efforts, and everything you do, without which  this summer camp would not be happening. We thank you. 

Kaya Retreats, Inc.
​Transform Body, Mind and Spirit

Thursday, June 9, 2011

2011 Graduation Ceremony

I volunteered for the graduation team at my high school this year, and participated in the ceremony. It was simply awesome. I guess you can say that it is always awesome to me. This year the students gave such eloquent speeches. I have never heard speeches such as those bestowed upon the audience by student leaders at the graduation. The following morning, I found myself reflecting on the tone of all their speeches, and was still amazed over the depth of their various messages - seemed beyond their years. I felt that their thoughts showed an intuitive awareness of present times, and their poignantly suggested solutions to fellow students could be profoundly appreciated by everyone in the audience. Their eloquence illustrated the effect of four years of mentoring, love and support they received while attending this school; so everyone who touched their lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas should be very proud of themselves as well. Very touching indeed. Kudos to the teachers, mentors and administration for your part in shaping the lives of these young people. I was very honored to be a part of such a great experience.


Tutoring services during the summer at competitive rates. I will travel to residence or meet student at specified location in BCPS North Regional area (i.e. Coral Springs/Parkland/Tamarac,Margate/Coconut/ Pompano). Will travel further with compensation for gas and time.

I am a high school teacher with a science and engineering background, and a track record of high teaching standards and gains. I offer tutoring in Biology, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Marine Science, Reading, SAT and ACT prep. Please visit my blog at http://tutorkm.blogspot.com., email me at kayamatt@alumni.usc.edu, or call me at (954) 825-6974 for further information.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Project Based Learning Presentation

Project based learning can be used interchangeably with inquiry-based learning. When students work independently in groups to solve problems they access higher order thinking, build on 21st Century skills such as critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. They also maintain a high degree of engagement, because their interest is peaked.

Here's a video on an example of project based learning in action.